My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Okay. I like coffee. I like mysteries, and I don't expect them to be great works of literature except in exceptional circumstances. I like the main character of this series, and the plot was okay. But.
I do expect someone to have edited these books before they're published. Even the mass-market paperbacks. Even the cozy mysteries. Especially the books of a "national bestselling author" being published by a division of Penguin Publishing. Please, could you put 0.00001% of your profits toward hiring someone like me to read your books before you publish them?
Why? Well... I've gathered a few examples.
- Page 4 [the first page of chapter one!]: "sterling-sliver serving trays overflowed with flutes of obscenely expensive champagne"
- Page 9: "Out here, sterling sliver serving trays . . . overflowed with seemingly endless rounds of seafood canapes"
But seriously, Cleo, put "sliver" on your list of Ctrl-F's to check before publication. I do it with "pubic" and "trail" when I write legal briefs, because hey, spellcheck doesn't know that I meant "public" and "trial," but I do. And, importantly, I would be embarrassed if I accidentally argued that a trail for my client would be against pubic interest. You also should be embarrassed to have sliver serving trays in your book -- twice!
- Page 17: "I believe he's been shirking work every since!"
- Page 68: "Millions of dollars and thousands of employees livelihoods are at stake."
- Page 140: "I invited David here tonight . . . to wheedle an invitation to sample his dessert parings for myself."
- Page 241 (during the big "I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!" speech): "Jim snorted. 'You give me undo credit, pal.'"
Okay, you should feel special. I'm reading your posts instead of looking at sliver rings and sliver earrings.
Now I want to start a blog again. I'm clearly too damn funny for my own good. So I will share my humor with others. I expect you to bookmark mine ;)
You may have to stop commenting anonymously if you expect me to know which blog is yours...
Bloody frickin hilarious! Rofl seriously this is a bit of comic genius
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