Sunday, May 26, 2013

Weekend Update

Hi everyone! As you may have noticed, I've been on a bit of a hiatus.  Why?  Well, in the past couple of months, I interviewed for a new job, got an offer, accepted it, and MOVED TO ALASKA.
The view from the window of my new office
So, you know, setting into a new job in a new state on the other side of the continent has been keeping me pretty busy.  But I've finished a few new books, and have some exciting plans in store for the blog.  

COMING SOON:  a guest blog post by an amazing friend of mine who travels to places most of us never even dream of going.  I also hope to have my very first author interview soon!  So thanks for not giving up on Brave New Bookshelves, and check back soon!

Happy Memorial Day!

1 comment:

S.A.M. said...

WOW what a view!

Can't wait to read what you have planned. I enjoy this blog- and thanks for writing about Anna Quindlen, I've now read all of her books!